Honoring Indigenous History at Werowocomoco

Of the many adventures in the New World documented by English explorer Captain John Smith, perhaps none is more legendary than his meeting Pocahontas.

Although their story became part of American folklore, lost from the annals of history is Werowocomoco, the village where they met. Werowocomoco was the headquarters of the powerful Chief Powhatan, Pocahontas’ father, who ruled over 30 Native American tribes and controlled over 10,000 square miles of what is now southeastern Virginia. For centuries it has been one of the most debated and sought after historic sites in the country.

A Return to Werowocomoco

Over the past decade, in collaboration with Native tribes and landowners, archaeologists made significant findings that confirm the location of the lost Native American village along the north shore of the York River, in Gloucester County, Virginia.

The Conservation Fund purchased the 264-acre historic site as the first land acquisition in the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail. Funding from the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund was critical in completing the purchase.

Why This Project Matters

Smith played a pivotal role in early American history. By protecting Werowocomoco and other significant sites, many of which have remained in their natural state, we are able to better tell Smith’s story and broaden our knowledge of the past. Being able to experience the same landscapes as Smith and Native Americans gives us a greater understanding of the struggles and achievements that shaped our national identity.

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Photo credits (from top of page): Chesapeake Bay Program

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