Middle Neches Forestland

It was one of the largest, most complex forestland projects in Texas history. We got it done.

In one of the largest, most complex forestland projects in Texas history, The Conservation Fund and Renewable Resources, LLC, joined forces to acquire and conserve 33,000 acres of working forestland from International Paper.

As a result of a creative, balanced strategy developed by the partnership, the property, while continuing to yield economic benefits through sustainable forestry, will now be permanently protected and help combat the high rate of forestland fragmentation.

Forest Conservation in Texas

With millions of acres of important forestland coming on the market, there is increasing pressure from a growing population to develop lands such as the Middle Neches property for non-forest uses.  The Middle Neches property, located along the Neches River, near Lufkin, Texas, connects Davy Crockett and Angelina national forests and is considered by conservationists and members of the forestry sector to be of high value for both wood production and wildlife habitat.

This acquisition is part of a long-term conservation strategy supported by state and federal agencies to protect forestland in east Texas. As part of the agreement with Renewable Resources, the forestland will be managed in a sustainable fashion and maintained as a natural hardwood forest until the property can be turned over to public ownership. Forestry operations will meet or exceed all requirements of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative program and all Texas Best Management Practices for forestlands to ensure protection of critical habitat including imperiled aquatic resources.

Photo credits (from top of page): Clint Miller

Project Staff

Andy Jones
Senior Project Manager

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