

About the Creating New Fund Economies Fund

Our Resourceful Communities small-grant program, the Creating New Economies Fund (CNEF), provides direct investment in community-based efforts. Seed money supports a range of projects: ecotourism and heritage tourism, youth conservation programs, farmers markets, alternative energy production and more.

A portion of CNEF funds is available to help rural United Methodist Churches (UMCs) strengthen food ministries. All UMCs are encouraged to contact our project staff or email with questions.

Information About Our Small Grants Program

The 2024 Grant Cycle for both the CNEF and CNEF for Faith and Food Coalitions are now closed. Please check back in January for information on the 2025 Grant Cycle. Click here to view the Creating New Economies Fund’s 2023 list of grantees.

For 2023 Grantees:

  • Click here for the 2023 CNEF Grant Report Form.
  • Click here for the 2023 Faith and Food Coalition Final Report Form

Donna Pratt
Resourceful Communities Operations Director
Dave Walker
Associate Director, Resourceful Communities

Make a Difference

Help protect America's priceless natural landscapes and ensure that we have healthy environments, places to work and play, and real economic opportunity.

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